Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Furry... continuation.

I think is offficial: I'm into a furry drawing mood, hope you don't mind I spam a little with such things. My first time drawing tiger related stuff. Need to practice...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello dear visitors.
I was thinking the other day about anthropomorphic creatures and their appeal to general audiences, from the tender characters from cartoons, to more aggressive looking film creatures. They fulfill a certain need of giving non-human things/animals, human features that helps us to relate with. Maybe something in our own nature makes us need a feeling of connection with this creatures... too much philosophy for some wolf nakedness, XD.
Just a character I re-did with some minor tweaking; just a quickie but I'm liking it so far. What do you guys think about anthropomorphics (furry?) stuff? It would be nice to hear some comments from time to time, but you maybe are here just by accident, he he he, feel free to watch and run.

Louie selfie

 Just and old OC with a revamp